Conference Name
Conference Start Date
Conference End Date
Conference Website URL
Conference Venue
Welcome Reception Venue
Gala Dinner Venue
Final Delegate Numbers
Number of Exhibitors Attended
Number of Sponsors Attended
Number of virtual attendees (delegates, speakers etc.) - if applicable
About the Conference
Please tell us about the conference (numbers, uptake etc) and include any highlights or lowlights and or challenges faced?
Can you comment on the performance of this years conference in comparison to last years conference?
Destination and Venue Feedback
Overall how would you rate Belfast as a conference destination? ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor
Please give a reason for your choice
How would you rate the service, food and overall facilities of your Conference Venue? ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor
How would you rate the service, food and overall facilities of your Welcome Reception Venue? ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor
How would you rate the service, food and overall facilities of your Gala Dinner Venue? ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor
Regarding other suppliers used (Attractions, AV & Production, Caterers, Entertainment, Transport etc.) please comment on your experience of using them
Was there any type of supplier difficult to source in Belfast?
How likely are you to recommend Belfast as a conference destination? Very LikelyLikelyUnlikelyVery Unlikely
Visit Belfast
How would you rate the service provided by Visit Belfast? ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor
Could you provide some feedback about your experience working with the Visit Belfast team? Any highlights, improvements or suggestions?
How do you think Belfast could improve as a conference city and how could we have made your experience better?
Did you receive support from Visit Belfast on sustainability around your conference?
How likely is it that you will bring your conference back to Belfast? Are you involved with any other conferences that Belfast could be considered Very LikelyLikelyUnlikelyVery Unlikely
If "Likely" or "Very Likely" please advise on which conference and if you have a next open year for exploring Belfast again?
And finally, are you willing to leave a testimonial giving Visit Belfast permission to use in future marketing and promotional material? YesNo
If Yes, please leave testimonial here
Survey completed by