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Health and Life Sciences Sector

Northern Ireland is a prime location for life and health sciences businesses, thanks to a unique combination of talented people, world-class research and strong links between industry, academia and clinicians, in the commercialisation of innovative research.

With a long history in health innovation dating over 40 years to Professor Pantridge who pioneered the first portable defibrillator, to recent spin-out success from local universities, Queen’s University and Ulster University.

The region is well connected and offers a highly-skilled, experienced and adaptable workforce; a cost-competitive location; and a pro-business environment, with local Government committed to support business growth. Recent government investment includes £1.3b which has been earmarked through City and Growth deals – offering exciting future opportunities for healthcare in Northern Ireland:

  • Centre for Digital Healthcare Technology (CDHT)
  • i-REACH (Institute of Research Excellence for Advanced Clinical Healthcare)
  • Global Innovation Institute (GII)
  • Transformation for Healthcare Research Innovation and Value-Based Ecosystem (THRIVE)

Area of sector expertise

  • Precision Medicine
  • Pharma & Bio Tech
  • Clinical Trials
  • Diagnostics
  • Med-Tech

Ambassador Circle

The Health and Life Sciences Sector is supported by our Ambassador Circle Advisory Panel.

Health and Life Science Advisory Panel Members